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Items tagged with HULA DANCERS

Hula, Belly Dancing & Ballerina Gorillas

Hula, Belly Dancing & Ballerina Gorillas

Gorillas are eager to be loved and accepted by their almost-fellow humans (they know about that shared DNA thing  . . . ) and delight in being invited to any and all of our shindigs.

Bella Jovan

Bella Jovan

Bella Jovan is a professional international award winning dance artist and choreographer renowned for her energetic, enticing, and vibrant style.

CGI Entertainment

CGI Entertainment

C.G. Entertainment brings the entertainment world to your event! They offer a wide variety of performances for you to choose from.

Sunshine from Polynesia

Sunshine from Polynesia

 Experience Polynesia through dance, drumming, music and more right here in Seattle! 