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Items tagged with SINGER

Rafe Wadleigh

Rafe Wadleigh

If you want it a little edgy . . . you go for Rafe Wadleigh

Cheryl - Vocalist

Cheryl - Vocalist

Seattle's Queen of Retro Cool        THE LOVELY & VIVACIOUS                      CHERYL SERIO

Broadway Singer

Broadway Singer

Rafe Wadleigh's Broadway incarnation . . .

Cheryl Serio Jazz & Cabaret Singer

Cheryl Serio Jazz & Cabaret Singer

Add a touch of class to your next event with Cheryl's cabaret/jazz stylings!

Janet Rayor - vocalist

Janet Rayor - vocalist

Janet Rayor's warm personality and winning voice leaves only deep thanks for a her gift of music.



The effervescent Leeni as MC, Host, Prankster and Facilitator.  Beauty like this usuallly isn't so witty!

Mark Siano

Mark Siano

Mark Siano is a Seattle-based performer and producer who has appeared all over North America and has a large following in his hometown, where he routinely sells out all of his shows.
