Mariachi Fiesta Mexicana

Mariachi Fiesta Mexicana

Much more than just a performance, Mariachi Mexico’s show is jam-packed with:

* Fun, interactive audience participation (your guests will not only listen to a great show buttake part in it as well)

* Colorful & Authentic costuming (these really bring the spirit of Mexico alive onyour stage)

* Diverse & traditional instruments (including Guitarron, Accordion, Bajo Sexto, Trumpetand Guitar)

* Exciting & Romantic music (many of oursongs are internationally famous)

* Humor (because laughter creates fun andmakes it memorable)

* Multi-cultural awareness (when your guestsl eave they will have a new understanding and deep appreciation for Mexican musicand culture)

Mariachi Mexico can be featured in thefollowing ways:

* As a main stage act

* They can stroll around in the Mariachitradition

* They can perform an education show

Performer's Name/Profile

Mariachi Fiesta Mexicana