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Blood Squad

Blood Squad

Blood Squad

We ask the audience to provide a title for the show and take off in full force!  The show is non-stop action that will have people squirming in their seats and laughing their guts out!  Packed with gristle, gore, and ghouls, Blood Squad leads you down a path of fun terror in the style of a high school teen slasher film, a zombie massacre feature, a cannibalistic uprising or any of the hundreds of different cinematic nightmares that have thrilled audiences for decades.

This theatre company show is live, improvised and unique to your party or gathering of friends.  The concept is simple -- all you need to provide are three chairs and an audience --  we do the rest!  This show is perfect for high school senior all nighters, college parties, bachelorette parties, or any event in which your guests want edgy, creepy fun!  Blood Squad works with you to make sure that the show is exactly what you want.  Our traveling show is considered age appropriate for children 13 and above, and we vary our productions based on your needs always!

Blood Squad

Blood Squad

Whether it's at an abandoned summer camp, an infected deep space station, or a weekend cabin getaway, Blood Squad is there!  Good clean murder fun by hysterically funny satirical actors who bring an original bent to their story-telling.
