Put on your cowboy boots and hats and sing along to your favorite Shania Twain hits with Leeni as Shania.
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First of all, I wouldn't work for anybody who would hire me.
Roger's John Travolta take-off first exhorts all the girls: "OK, I want all youse babes to sing along:"
“Roads? Where we’re going, we don’t need roads.” Visit the future with Marty McFly and the Doc
When I says, "bite my blowhole", don' leave lipstick on my bike's chrome exhaust pipe.
She's cute, she's dramatic and she her song will melt your heart.
What a great surprise for your guests - The great Northwest Bigfoot
Cool! Like I've found my happy thingy. It's rad!
The Fairy Godmother brings sparkle and fun to every party and will create a unique experience that will be magical.
Variations of Rafe's down-scale, left-scale, off-scale and skewed-scale characters such as these abound!
Give your special one this special visit from Francene!
Rosie the Riveter!
You will be thrilled with Nathaniel as he sings his glorious message. He'll have you all in stitches with his antics.
Seattle Premier Barbershop and Acapella!
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